Patton’s Bluff and Tiger Mountain, Oklahoma
Research Natural Area
Patton’s Bluff is located in western McIntosh County, Oklahoma, on the entrenched meanders above the North Canadian River. It includes a prominent bluffline covered with ancient post oak, red cedar, Shumard oak, and winged elm. Dave Patton is on the Advisory Board of the Ancient Cross Timbers Consortium and has made his property available for the research and educational activities of the Consortium. Dave also owns a large tract of ancient Cross Timbers on Tiger Mountain in McIntosh County. Remote sensing indicates that the area of Okmulgee, McIntosh, Pittsburg, and Hughes Counties in east-central Oklahoma has the highest concentration of ancient Cross Timbers that remians in the ecosystem, including the Okmulgee WMA, Tiger Mountain, and several other large parcels. All photographs included here were taken at Tiger Mountain.